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Datamatics Global is a global IT and business process outsourcing organization focused on delivering smart, next-generation business solutions that help enterprises across the world overcome their business challenges.

Info Details
Company Name Datamatics Global Ltd
Sector Information Technology
Industry Sofware
Company URL
Market Cap Small-Cap
Tradealone Score 86%
Disclaimer This page is for Education purpose

Price Movement

Last 10 Years Profit Against Competitors

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Performance Against Sector Index

Spider Chart

Price Volume Action (PVA)

Data Table
20 Days 40 Days 60 Days Insights
-15% 2% 12% Price Change %
12 20 28 Days Green Close
8 20 32 Days Red Close
11241 14221 12334 Avg Vol Up Close
21451 12341 34221 Avg Vol Down Close

SWOT Analysis

QVT Score

Price Against Competitors

Fair Value

Shareholding Pattern

Debt to Equity

Balance sheet

Mar 2012 Mar 2013 Mar 2014 Mar 2015 Mar 2016 Mar 2017 Mar 2018 Mar 2019 Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 TTM
Sales  442 550 734 828 816 852 910 1,133 1,203 1,149 1,201 1,459 1,557
Expenses  400 501 642 742 737 769 827 998 1,078 1,005 1,007 1,215 1,287
Net Profit  28 31 58 49 45 64 72 84 62 84 155 185 207
EPS in Rs 4.53 6.12 8.26 7.33 7.60 11.06 10.87 12.64 10.81 13.53 26.71 32.05 35.60
Margins Growth
Revenue Growth

Corporate Actions

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Buy Reccomendations

2023-11-21Adit (Self)yo-manualTradealone